We invest in organizations in Israel and North America helping to meet social and spiritual needs of diverse communities, particularly in multi-faith, multi-ethnic, and public settings.
Through our Jewish Life focus, we extend the Foundation’s overall commitment to the civic sector by supporting courageous leadership, building capacity in under-resourced fields, and working in collaboration with other funders. Over the past five years, we have awarded approximately 90 grants totaling $10.4 million, with $6 million going to projects in Israel. Signature efforts have included the Opportunity Fund in Israel, which expanded national civic service through a unique public-private and US-Israel partnership, and the Center for Pastoral Education, a Jewish address for chaplaincy and multi-faith spiritual care at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Current priorities are creating a pipeline of urban planners from Israel’s Arab sector and developing the work of community chaplaincy in North America.
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New York, NY 10022
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