Our Approach

Our approach is ambitious, aspirational, and pragmatically optimistic.

We believe that thriving societies rely on new and diverse pools of talented people dedicated to better futures for all. We bet on them and the places where they work and learn, looking for sustainable solutions that strengthen the public good. We aim to pursue our mission with rigor and good humor.

We take the long view, testing new ideas that help reimagine the future of essential civic institutions and public assets that deserve a fresh look. We know that complex challenges require complex solutions, and we strive to be non-ideological, passionately pragmatic, and strategy agnostic when finding and supporting grantees.


featured Class Biomedical research

Biomedical Senior Fellowship Class of 2024-2026

The eight fellows in the class of 2024-2026 were selected from a pool of competitive applicants in their third or fourth year of postdoctoral training at participating New York metro area institutions. The Senior fellows’ research represents a broad range of subject areas, from immunology to neuroscience to biophysics. Hailing from seven countries, and conducting research at six New York metro area institutions, the class demonstrated interest and ability to advance the biomedical field through innovative scientific methods and relentless curiosity. 

featured Project Education

Tackling a Struggling Electoral System and Low Voter Turnout in New York

New York has a long track record of poor voter turnout and civic engagement. In 2021, just 23% of registered voters cast ballots in the NYC mayoral primary and, over ten years, only 3% of voters participated in every election for which they were eligible. In 2020, MIT’s Elections Performance Index ranked New York State 47th in voter turnout and electoral administration, placing New York below states such as Texas and Georgia. In 2024’s presidential election, New York ranked 49th or second to last in voter turnout among the 50 largest cities.

featured Project Jewish life

North America: Chaplains Are Our Spiritual First Responders

With religious affiliation in decline across North America, chaplains are increasingly a source of spiritual care outside of traditional religious spaces. Revson’s support for the Center for Pastoral Education, the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, and the Worship Services Project at Rikers Island is helping clergy and chaplains to meet communal needs and building a field of Jewish community chaplaincy.

Featured Project | Urban Affairs

Investing in public space for flourishing neighborhoods and civic life

Building on the Revson’s history of strengthening the city’s civic spaces and drawing on our experience re-envisioning public libraries as core civic institutions, in 2021 the Foundation turned attention to New York City’s approximately 2,300 parks, 550+ privately owned public spaces, more than 80 pedestrian plazas, and endless sidewalks. Despite acting as engines of economic growth and as drivers of public opinion and perception, government has underinvested in public space.

Our Work

Biomedical Research

Supporting basic research in the biomedical sciences

Education and Urban Affairs

Investing in the future of New York City and strengthening its essential civic squares

Jewish Life

Meeting social and spiritual needs of diverse communities in Israel and North America

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