NEWS | 11.19.2024

A Decade of Impact: The Charles H. Revson Foundation and the Y

THE YMCA OF GREATER NEW YORK—November 19, 2024—The YMCA of Greater New York is sincerely grateful to the Charles H. Revson Foundation for their decade-long partnership in our mission to strengthen communities. The Foundation has awarded the Y a total of more than $700,000 in grant funds over the course of our partnership. This includes $600,000 to support our Lifeguard Training and Certification program and the Lifeguard Interorganizational Task Force, funds to support the Y’s census outreach programs, and, most recently, a grant to establish the Sharon Greenberger Scholarship Fund. Thanks to the Foundation’s generous support, the Y has expanded our Lifeguard Training and Certification (LTC) program, supporting safe swimming for New Yorkers of all ages across the five boroughs. Amidst the lifeguard shortage, this work is critical. High drowning risks for communities of color persist, along with reduced access to safe swimming facilities. Intervention is needed to ensure that drowning disparities—already 1.5 times higher for Black individuals—do not grow further.  Read the full newsletter here.