NEWS | 03.16.2025

More homes for more N.Y.ers: Supportive housing to address the homelessness crisis

DAILY NEWS—Recently, each day in New York City politics brings new distractions, while problems mount. And those most at risk — those facing mental health and substance use challenges and in need of services, support, and safe, stable places to live — are likely to pay the steepest price.

New Yorkers don’t need another government study to confirm what they witness daily on the streets and in the subways: the homelessness crisis has reached a fever pitch, and the degree of human suffering knows no bounds. 

The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) recent 2024 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, an annual one-day census of all unhoused people nationwide, revealed the highest number of unsheltered individuals in more than a decade — with New York City experiencing a 59% increase in just one year. 


The Supportive Housing Network of New York (the Network) and our more than 200 nonprofit members statewide that develop and provide supportive housing, along with our tenant community, should be a resource for candidates. Drawing on decades of expertise and lived experience, we know what it takes to help get people off the streets, out of the shelter system and into permanent housing. 

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