Brooklyn Public Library
To support the creation of BPL’s Department of Outreach Services, which will build partnerships with local service providers and city agencies to make the library more accessible to a greater number of Brooklyn residents.
To support the creation of BPL’s Department of Outreach Services, which will build partnerships with local service providers and city agencies to make the library more accessible to a greater number of Brooklyn residents.
To support a project examining the challenges that New York City nonprofits face in undertaking construction projects financed with city capital dollars and managed by the New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC).
To support the next phase of the Making Room project: to promulgate the adoption of new housing models, and to continue building awareness and support for the Making Room vision, in part through a national exhibition in Washington, D.C. in 2015.
To support public affairs journalism focused on four Brooklyn neighborhoods: Sunset Park, Bushwick, East New York, and Brownsville.
To support the Neighborhood Plaza Partnership in bringing “pop-up” reading rooms to up to nine public plazas in underserved communities in Queens and Brooklyn, in collaboration with The Uni Project.
To support the Love A Library event at New York City’s public branch libraries in 2013 and 2014.
To support the Fund for 2025, which will help Philanthropy New York strengthen its activities and support for NYC’s Foundation sector.
To support the creation of an investigative reporting beat focused on New York’s public institutions, including accountability reporting on policies, practices, and program implementation
To provide funding for the preservation of Prospect Park in support of two main objectives, the restoration of a number of storm-damaged trees and the development of an infrastructure to prevent natural erosion
To support Phase II of the CDC4G Initiative, which seeks to strengthen community-based housing in NYC by scaling up the industry, establishing best-practice standards, and attaining support from city housing agencies.
To support the Building Indicator Project and the work of the Multifamily Assistance Center to improve physically and financially distressed multifamily homes throughout New York City.
To support ULU’s 24-Hour Read-In event and the hiring of a communications and outreach intern in 2014.
To support the “Justice in Transition” project, a series of four public briefings on the current state of the city’s justice system and visions for its future, in conjunction with WNYC.
To support the feasibility assessment and program development of a team of housing experts to determine the viability of leveraging the State of Israel Bond Program to offer a new bond product that invests in affordable housing in Israel.
To support a four-month planning grant to develop a program model and feasible design for an Israel Affordable Housing Fellowship program, under the auspices of the Affordable Housing Program of Tel Aviv University.
To support the continuation of our joint activities in affordable housing in Israel.
To support the work of Forsyth Advisors for Phase II of the Israel Builds initiative, whose aim is to utilize Israel Bonds designated for affordable housing as a source of subordinate debt to address a financial impediment to a long-term multifamily rental housing market in Israel.
To support up to $20,000 in 2015 travel costs to Israel of the Forsyth Street Advisors team working on Phase II of the Israel Builds initiative, whose aim is to utilize Israel Bonds designated for affordable housing as a source of subordinate debt to address a financial impediment to a long-term multifamily rental housing market in Israel.
To support “Healing Hatred,” an interreligious pastoral care training course in Jerusalem that equips professionals with tools of spiritual healing that help address the trauma of national conflict.
To support a project in partnership with Israeli artist Avital Geva and The Greenhouse of Kibbutz Ein Shemer, including a multimedia exhibit with images by Frederic Brenner and text by Yossi Klein Halevi; an ecological sukkah in front of the JCC designed and built by Avital Geva and his creative team; and multi-faceted public programming about environmentalism, sustainable agriculture, and the intersection of science, ecology and the arts from a Jewish and Israeli perspective.
To support the work of “Collective Impact,” via Matan– Investing in the Community, in identifying the business advantage and implementing the most successful models in employing and retaining Arab citizens in Israel’s top private-sector corporations
To support a tie-off grant of $100,000 for the implementation of MEET’s redesigned alumni program
To support NATAL ‘s work in offering critical emergency assistance and trauma programs to support, strengthen, and build resilience during Israel’s current crisis and recovery.
To support Phase II of Piyut North America , bringing the global Jewish music of Piyut to young Jews in the US through pilot programs centered on yoga, meditation, culture, and music in New York, Boston, and San Francisco.
To support the Muslim Leadership Initiative, for emerging North American Muslim leaders to deepen their understanding of Jews and Judaism through participation in a year-long immersive educational program.
To support the Shalom Hartman Institute’s continuing work with the North American Jewish community to grapple with existential challenges, to explore the relationship with Israel and to uncover new opportunities for growth.
To support a two-year grant of $400,000 for Cohorts II and III of the Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI) at the Hartman Institute, as well as alumni retreats and activities for Cohorts I, II, and III.
To support additional enrichment programming for Arab civic service volunteers in Israel in 2015-16Israel in 2015-16
To provide scholarship funds for participants of the Jewish Welcome Workshop’s annual trip to Israel
To support the work of Tapuah.
To contribute to an external long-term evaluation of The Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI).
To support the creation of a strategic plan in 2014 toward the redevelopment of the city of Lod, bringing together the municipality, community leaders, local residents, and Israeli urban renewal expertise, in advance of substantial European Union funding for implementation beginning in 2016.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To contribute six awards to the Weizmann Institute of Science’s National Postdoctoral Program for Advancing Women in Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support a Charles H. Revson Senior Fellow in Biomedical Science.
To support the cost of honorariums for Master Class seminar leaders for New York City school teachers in 2014.
To support the educational and research efforts of Drs. Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband with respect to improving medical diagnoses and individualizing treatment
to support year-long fellowships and related expenses for three to four Harvard Scholars at Risk fellows
To support fellowship stipends for 26 Lisa Goldberg/Revson Scholars at Macaulay Honors College , selected for their interest in public policy and civic engagement, with a special emphasis on service to the City of New York.
To support the pre-professional program in establishing foundational career services. to support the pre-professional program in establishing foundational career services.
To support Pre-Med and Life Sciences extra-curricular activities geared towards exposing students to a broad range of careers
To support the NYPL’s leadership in expanding e-content for libraries.
To support the Business Law Transactions Clinic’s Fellows and Supervising Attorneys
To support the development and launch of the Steinem Media Mentoring program in 2015, a component of the Gloria Steinem Initiative at Rutgers University
To support Arizona Camp Sunrise and Sidekicks , providing special programs to children with cancer and their siblings.
To support the production of the MAKERS television series.
To support the Y’s educational initiatives to help close the academic achievement gap and make college a reality for thousands of New York City students
For membership in the Inter-Agency Task Force on Israeli Arab Issues in 2015.
For membership in 2015.
For membership in 2015.
For membership in 2015.
For membership in 2015.